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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Katatonia - July

You come clean, waves collide now.
Defenceless numb points
And no voice of reason

So, how come you invited me too, you knew I wanted you.
You glide above.
So, this night belongs to you. I know this isn't through.
Are you dead too long?

I see the bright lights, it's the month of July.
It's violent here, why have you left me?
If only you could stay, and keep me in.
It's violent here, why did you run from me?

So, how come you invited me to, you knew I wanted you.
You glide above.
So, this night belongs to you. I know this isn't through/true.
I am dead too long.

Heat, night devour me.
Heat, night devour me.

I see the bright lights, it's the month of July.
It's violent here, why have you left me?
If only you could stay, and keep me in.
It's violent here, why did you run from me?

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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