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sexual interpol

Thu 7 Jun – Interpol

holy fuckkk this show blew my mind to pieces.
Interpol rocked the Guv so damn well, it was like sex to my eardrums. i had heard from my friends that Interpol live is "amaaaaazing" and honestly it's the goddamn truth.
i wish i could see them in concert every single night for the rest of my life, THAT is how amazing they played.
Near the end of the show i decided to venture from the second floor balcony to the front row, off to the right side-ish and i'm glad i did because i could finally see Paul Banks' sweet babyface, and Carlos D killing me with his magical mustache ;D I had to pull some crazy mofo curtain out of the way -it was hiding some dude controlling some technical shits/ mac laptop and it was funny because no one else had the balls to pull the curtain out of the way, except for me (and some nice man who laughed and like how i didn't give a shit what security might say).
anywho it all boils down to me having the best Interpol experience evarrr! seeing as how this was my first 19+ show, i def prefer the 19+ crowd over all-ages X1000000.
*i cannot wait for OUR LOVE TO ADMIRE!

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