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How many songs?

Sort by song title:
First: ...And Carrot Rope
Last: Zurich Is Stained

Both by Pavement. Huh.

Sort by time:
Shortest: Interlude
Longest: Street Scene: Documenting Street Art - Podcast from Wooster Collective

Sort by album:
First: ...Best II
Last: Death Cab for Cutie - Your Bruise 7"

Top Five Most Played Songs:
1. A Movie Script Ending
2. Lullaby (Acoustic)
3. A New Tattoo
4. A Love To Share
5. Strange And Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You)

I clear my library every time so this is not as accurate as I want it to be. It's pretty decent, though.

First song that comes up on Shuffle:
Song for Myla Goldberg

Find "sex", How many songs come up?

Find "death", How many songs come up?
My whole DCFC discography and some others.

Find "love", How many songs come up?
A percentage of which is from The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs

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