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iTunes Survey

Total number of tracks: 4554
Total length of music: 11.5 days

Sort by Song Title:
First Song: (A) Face In The Crowd - The Kinks
Last Song: 9mm - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

Sort by Time:
Shortest Song: Foreword - Linkin Park
Longest Song: Tubular Bells - Mike Oldfield

Sort by Album:
First Album: Absolution - Muse
Last Album: 808:88:98 - 808 State

Sort By Artist:
First Artist: a-ha
Last Artist: 808 State

Sort By Genre:
First Song: Ain't No Sunshine - At Last (A Capella)
Last Song: WWE - X-Pac - X-Factor - WWE (Wrestling)

Top 10 Most Played Songs:
1. H2 Exploration - Jesper Kyd
2. North Star (Jewels) - Raekwon
3. Chop Suey! - System Of A Down
4. The Victor - Jerry Goldsmith
5. Them And Us - Bad Religion
6. Give Me Liberty - Rockstar
7. 1st Of Tha Month - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
8. Mo' Murda - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
9. Mellow Mood, Pt. 1 - Barry White
10. The Day Of Night - Akira Yamaoka

First five songs that comes up on Shuffle:
1. Second Wave - John Carpenter
2. The Guns Of Brixton - The Clash
3. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker - Ramones
4. Szechwan - Namco
5. Everything I Am - Kanye West

"Sex", how many songs come up? 8
"Love", how many songs come up? 172
"You", how many songs come up? 359
"Death", how many songs come up? 51
"Hate", how many songs come up? 22
"Wish" how many songs come up? 30

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