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Charity Concert

Göteborg for Japan Charity Concert

Göteborg for Japan organized charity concert with pro-artists!!
Please come and enjoy for closing your Easter break.

ALL the benefits will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross Society.

【Göteborg for Japan Charity Concert】
Info: http://ticketsinfo.heteml.jp/
Date: 25th of April, Monday 2011
Place: Hagakyrkan, Göteborg
Guests: Maia Hirasawa, Timo Räisänen, Kristoffer Ragnstam,
Lindha Kallerdahl, Ramblin Nicholas Heron, Räfven

Time: Open 16:00 / 16:30 - 18:00
Tickets: 100SEK (in advance) 150SEK (at door)
To be purchased at Pustervik (Järntorgsgatan 12)

All the musicians willingly accepted our request to participate in the event with their sympathies to Japan.
Swedish-Japanese singer Maia Hirasawa, she has lived in Sendai, so she has many friends there. Her concert tour is going to take place in some of the major cities in Japan from May 2011.
As for Räfven, a group from Gothenburg, they participated in“Fuji Rock Festival”, the most famous and largest outdoor music event in Japan.
Thanks to them, we could set this fabulous evening.

Please spread this information to your friends as you like!
You can copy, paste, and send!
We really hope to meet you on 25th of April.



Göteborg for Japan

Blog: http://gogojapan.jugem.jp/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/G%C3%B6teborg-for-Japan/118317061576421

Officially supported by:
Röda Korset
Haga kyrkan
Göteborgs Universitet


maia hirasawaTimo RäisänenLindha KallerdahlRamblin Nicholas HeronRäfvenKristoffer Ragnstam

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