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Best song/worst song

I'm supposedly in the middle of writing an essay about how Shakespeare presents women in Act III of Hamlet, but…

- What is the best song of your top ten artists?
- What is the worst song of your top ten artists?

1: The Damned
Best: Eloise
Worst: Creep (You Can't Fool Me) (anything from MFP, really…)

2: Split Enz
Best: Six Months in a Leaky Boat
Worst: Strait Old Line

3: The Associates
Best: Skipping
Worst: Heart of Glass (the radio one version is brilliant, but the single is just a bit…weak).

4: Patrick Wolf
Best: Paris
Worst: Peter Pan

5: The Velvet Underground
Best: Venus in Furs
Worst: Temptation Inside Your Heart (there aren't any VU tracks I really hate, but this just happens to be one of my least favourites)

6: Roxy Music
Best: Mother of Pearl
Worst: Avalon (erggggh)

7: David Bowie
Best: Life on Mars?
Worst: It Ain't Easy (I'm sure there are worse - I just don't like it that much)

8: Love and Rockets
Best: Yin and Yang (The Flowerpot Man)
Worst: I honestly can't choose one at the moment. Gosh.

9: Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Worst: Walking on the Milky Way

10: The Psychedelic Furs
Best: India (current favourite)
Worst: Pretty in Pink (ooh, controversial!)

And now I should probably go back to that essay.

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