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Flashy memory

When it came to replacing the hard drive the obvious choice was some sort of flash memory. Of course it needed to actually connect up to the hard drive connector. And so everyone's favourite Chinese tat merchant dealextreme came up with the goods. About $4 came up with a compact flash to 1.8" hard drive convertor.

The compact flash card with the best bang for the buck (or GB per £ if you want to be picky) seems to be 32GB at the moment. Amazon had a decent price for that. Not terribly cheap though - a 16GB one would be a lot cheaper but if all you wanted was a 16GB flash memory based ipod you could go and buy one from apple.

So that's where the hard drive replacement came from. By replacing the 40GB hard drive with a CF card there would be a lot of extra space inside the ipod case.

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