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New Mix: Cloudscape #7: October 2010

Listen here: http://www.eveningoflight.nl/2010/10/07/cloudscape-7-october-2010/


Time | artist | track | album | year

00:00 | Ulver | Synen | Whom the Moon a Nightsong Sings | 2010
04:52 | Richard Skelton | Fold | Marking Time | 2009
10:40 | Moongazing Hare | Human Behaviour | Lhude Sing Goddamm | 2009
12:38 | Aarktica | In Sea | In Sea | 2009
16:11 | Szymon Kaliski | Or Delicate | Out of Forgetting | 2010
20:02 | Porcelain in the Backpack | Touching the Ground, Crossing the Air | Sand & Loam | 2006
25:47 | Locrian | The Crystal World | The Crystal World | 2010
31:00 | Gate | 13 ss.rd.gt | No Exit | 2009
33:20 | AUN | Black Pyramid | Black Pyramid | 2010
40:30 | The Driftwood Manor | Found Photographs of Ancestors (excerpt)| Found Photographs of Ancestors | 2010
48:27 | Lisa o Piu | Child of Trees (excerpt) | Behind the Bend | 2010
56:00 | Syven | How Fare the Gods? (excerpt) | Whom the Moon a Nightsong Sings | 2010

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