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My personal top 15 albums of 2011

1. Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down (2008) and
2. Last Night On Earth (2011) by Noah and the Whale

http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/174s/11980071.jpg http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/174s/59683449.png

Both the debut and the latest offering from Noah and the Whale hold a great many delights for fans of well produced, yet honest folky music. The first album is more raw, the second is a small masterpiece of good production. I personally like the first one better, but both deserve to start this year's list.

3. In Wonderland (2010) by Bajka


Bajka's, so far only, solo album made my list last year already, but this year it played as the soundtrack to most of my spring and summer. Her voice, her confidence and the confusing nonsense poetry of Lewis Carroll made me listen to this album nearly a hundred times :)

4. Songs of the Unforgiven (2004) by Crash Test Dummies


An album of baritone folk tales, filled with dark and brooding sonnets. Who would have thought that Crash Test Dummies made such a spectacular album. And in 2004 already. Take a listen, you won't regret it.

5. Bag of Hits (2002) by Fun Lovin' Criminals


5. Pieces of a Man (1971) and
6. Real Eyes (1980) and
7. Reflections (1981) by Gil Scott-Heron

http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/174s/63448351.png http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/174s/10051637.jpg http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/174s/70089556.jpg

I guess 2011, the year of his death, was the year I finally discovered Gil Scott-Heron. Jazz and hip-hop before hip-hop even existed. Politically charged lyrics, great music and great charisma. Rest in Peace Gil.

8. Biała flaga (1999) by Republika


9. Good Morning Spider (1998) by Sparklehorse


10. Tumi and the Volume (2006)


11. The English Riviera (2011) by Metronomy


12. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (2008) by Metaform


13. La Liberación (2011) by Cansei de Ser Sexy


14. Hope for the Hopeless (2008) by Brett Dennen


15. Night Walks (2010) by Hidden Orchestra


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