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last.FM mix

It's that time of the year again! It's time to download some more communism and make another CD. This CD will be composed exclusively of songs I found on last.FM radios. I found most of these songs on some people's loved trax radio and my coldplay etc. tag radio. I'm grateful for friends with such fantastic taste in music.

Save Me
I Wish it Would Rain
stolen away on 55th and 3rd
nordish by nature
Following Through
Come on Home
Good Song
This Modern Love
Oh England My Lionheart
green onions
Up the Bracket
The Astronaut
Teenage Kicks
Get Myself Arrested
Say It Ain't So
Shake the Sheets
Time of the Season
M62 Song
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend
Scientist Studies
Heated Pool and Bar

I like many more songs, but I put them on other CDs. The origin of some of the tracks is obvious. Vanderslice definitely came from daverocks and Her Space Holiday came from the ever popular Frenchman, lbf. I'm very surprised (and even disappointed!) with myself for liking a Deathcab for Cutie song. Overall, I'm very pleased with my listening experience here and will try to share this music with my friends.

Oh, and thanks, Joni, for "Nordish by Nature." I enjoy that song way too much.

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