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Double Feature Podcast!


There's this podcast that's kinda like Filmspotting, it's called Double Feature. Every episode is about two movies. I like it because it's explicit and spoiler inclusive. It also has a skeptical sort of bent to it. The feed is AAC and has chapters, so you can skip over the movies you haven't see so you aren't spoiled.

Here's a link I pulled of their site to subscribe right in iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/6nog7l

Also Tagged: Filmspottingspout.comChris and JimmyJoe and Melissa JohnsonAdam Kempenaar and Sam HallgrenNESSLeo Laporte and the TWiTsJoffre Street Productionscinemaslavejoe@yahoo.comAdam Kempenaar & Sam HallgrenFilm.deKevin Smith and Scott MosierFAKEOFFdavid chen devindra hardawar and adam quigleyShow Me Your Titles film podcastNine Inch Nails

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