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Let's Make Christmas a Tribute to James Brown!

Last.FMer ravennote had a great idea:

>> As you all know Dec. 24, 2006, we lost a great american musical legend. So on Dec. 24 i feel that we should pay a tribute to the Godfather Of Soul. I will be playing James Brown's tunes all day and night on Dec 24 (Christmas Eve). I would like everyone in this group and on Last.Fm to join me in celebrating the life of James Brown by playing only James Brown tunes. Thanks. Tell all your friends about this event. <<

Ladypolitik wrote a journal entry about it: "PSA for The James Brown Christmas Eve Marathon (Dec. 24)".

She suggests adding artists to the playlist who collaborated with JB, including:

I'll throw in the following:

Are you in? I know I am! :-)

Have a Funky Christmas!

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