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Black Kids_ I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You


Sometimes a band or an artist just does that to you … It grabs you with a couple of well crafted songs and a fresh sound and it doesn't let you go. Thankfully Black Kids is one of them.

After a self released EP Wizard of Ahhhs that manage to do the above with 4 great tracks that could all have been a successful single, the boys and girls return 8 months later with their first single through Almost Gold label after re recording I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You with ex Suede's guitarist Bernard Butler. The band has also moved to London a have the support of Quest. Always helps to share management with artists like Arcade Fire and Bjork.

After listening so much to the former version, this one just sounds like is being wrapped on cling film. But judge for yourself sooner than later as this would be on rotation everywhere you go.

Much more interesting is the Beat Happening's cover You Turn me on with a great 60's flavor, more Brighton beach than "yeah, baby" that suits somehow the atemporal sound of Black Kids.

And to close another cover: Damm I wish I was your lover by Sophie B. Hawkins. Risky if you take into account this is was a huge track for the first batch of happy smiling people returning from Ibiza. Still they manage to get away with it with some clever use of synth sounds, but don't expect the anthemic road trip sound of the original.

Can't wait for the ICA gig to sample all this and more live.

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