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new albums and favourite albums this week

Yesterday I discovered two new albums from two really good bands - Death Walks Behind You by Atomic Rooster (thanks to Krishius) and the self-titled album by Captain Beyond - a band that was formed from members of Iron Butterfly and Deep Purple.
Some other albums that I`ve been listening to this week:
David Gilmour - On An Island (this one is very good, sounds like Pink Floyd from Gilmour era, but isn`t the same. It`s like something you already know, but still it`s fresh and new).
I recently rediscovered how good was A Trick Of The Tail by Genesis, even without Peter Gabriel.
And I have to mention Edgar Broughton Band - one of the very good but unknown psychedelic bands like The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, I first heard their song Hotel Room and it still is my favourite, and I got the album Wasa Wasa and I really enjoy it.
Some other albums I enjoyed this week:
A Nod And A Wink, Moonmadness and Camel by Camel and Uriah Heep - Salisbury

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