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My favourite songs back in 2004

Yes, i was a whole another person… Even my music taste was different, not very much but a little. So i found out in a very old journal of mine and i wanted to share. :)

My favourite songs in 2004 and others that are not from 2004 but that were discovered by me in 2004.

25. Let U Go
24. Y.M.C.A.
23. Mouth's Cradle
22. Tu Es Foutu
21. Ancestors
20. Sentia
19. I Don't Want to Miss A Thing
18. I Love You Always Forever
17. No Tengo Ropa
16. Trip To Uranus
15. Tu Quieres Volver
14. Who Makes You Feel
13. Amorelettronico
12. Who Will Love Me Now?
11. Milkshake
10. Algo Esta Cambiando
09. Eight Easy Steps
08. My Happy Ending
07. Butterfly
06. Group Four
05. Perros
04. Long Hard Road Out Of Hell
03. Pollyanna Flower
02. Sly
01. Triumph Of A Heart

ATBVillage PeopleBjorkIngridMecanoAerosmithDonna LewisGloria TreviJohny ViciousSarah BrightmanDidoGigi D'AgostinoPJ HarveyKelisJulieta VenegasAlanis MorissetteAvril LavigneTori AmosMassive AttackPaulina RubioMarilyn Manson

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