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emily haines

I met Emily Haines.

I went to the last day of Ed Fest to see Metric with Bedouin Soundclash and Dragonette. Most shiteous crowd I've ever seen. There were these 30 year old hoes that looked like 12 year old scene girls who decided they were going to have 8 feet of room to themselves on top of non-stop shoving and loooooud talking during both opening bands. I didn't want to start this all out negatively but fuck, if there's one thing that makes me angry is talking OVER music being played so that no one else can pay attention and even that the artist CAN HEAR YOU. I'm embarassed for anyone who does this.

Dragonette were first. Boring, generic, cheesy, too quiet, the singer was fucking annoying and wearing the ugliest thing I've ever seen (Yeah I'm pure positivity) and she had sickening pit hair. It might have been ok if it was a lot, lot louder and mixed properly.

Bedouin Soundclash. I never gave these guys enough credit! They are fucking sweet, it wasn't just white people reggae, it actually took a few cues from post-punk and I found it more dub than reggae a lot of the time. Danceable or heartbreaking, an excellent two extremes to have.

Metric. My love for Metric had dimmed in the last 2 or so years but they are pretty good live performers and I still have an attachment to their music. I sang along and danced despite being crushed a weird middle barrier thing. Emily came into the barrier and I touched her, it was surreal. Every song was fantastic and the only song I would have added would be On A Slow Night. Particular highlights were Rock Me Now and Hustle Rose. After the show they were signing autographs which was only supposed to be for people who won some contest but they stuck it out and talked to the rest hanging out and signed shit for them. Emily seemed much more humble than the last time I saw the band, she seemed to happy to be alive and seemed to enjoy connecting with the crowd. I even like their new songs a great deal even after hearing they were a disapointment. I spoke to Emily Haines. She told me I had nice kicks. She is seriously one of my heroes for her work in Metric, Broken Social Scene and especially her solo work. She signed my shoe and I spoke to the rest of the guys quickly, I asked Jimmy if they'd be involved in the BSS performance at Osheaga (they are also playing) and he would only say maybe.. Emily Haines in BSS>>Emily Haines in Metric to me. Broken Social Scene are my favourite band so having her sing Anthems or Shoreline or Almost Crimes or ANYTHING would make the highlight reel of my life for certain. Until I see her again guaranteed at the great least of playing Metric on August 3rd!MetricEmily Haines and the Soft SkeletonBroken Social SceneAnthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl7/4 (Shoreline)Hustle RoseRock Me NowAlmost Crimes (Radio Kills Remix)

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