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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

The world baffles me, but in a good way.

As of late I have acquired a recording of a soundcheck that Suede did for a performance in NYC in October 1993. It raises three questions for me:

1. Why would anyone record a soundcheck?
2. Why would anyone keep said recording?
3. How is it that this recording is almost 14 years old and you can still find it and download it with ease?

It baffles me. I love people. I love them so much. They're so strange.

Also, I really enjoy the soundcheck itself. I like it when Brett's talking to the sound engineers, I think it's very cute. "It's a bit of a slow one… ok? So just fiddle about, and, uh, we'll play you a song…" is how he introduces Sleeping Pills.

It's a bit weird listening to it, for me, because as I listen I think about two things:

1. I was only a couple hours away from where this was recorded.
2. I wasn't even four years old at the time. (Insert senseless nattering about the timelessness of good music here.)

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