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Recent White Car stuff got us pretty excited about his first LP Everyday Grace, coming out in a couple of weeks on Hippos in Tanks. So we thought we’d try and get a little something to keep us amused while we wait for the record to drop. Imagine our delight upon receiving a mix entirely made up of – White Car material! Here’s what Elon Katz said on the mix: “I hate when people put their own songs and remixes on a mix so for this mix I compiled it entirely from my remixes ;-) Many of these remixes didn’t surface or didn’t get much attention, I thought it would be nice to have them all in the same place and I am pretty tired of ‘taste maker’ style mixes. It’s a collection of my favorite remixes I have done and a few of my favorites others have done for White Car.” Don’t you just hate mixes with a bunch of rare stuff?! Get this baby:


01. //TENSE//Work Hard Short Life (White Car Ephemeral Employment Mix)
02. DetachmentsAudio Video (White Car Weirdo Edit)
03. GatekeeperSerpent (White Car Acid Slither Mix)
04. Von HazeOutside the Night (White Car Ethereal Booty Power Acid)
05. White CarNo Better (Mahjongg Remix)
06. //TENSE//Turn It Off (White Car Rubber House Mix)
07. D’eonKeep the Faith (White Car Remix)
08. TrustCandy Walls (Elon Katz E-MU Dub)
09. ClearedNo Better

White Car Net.

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