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Total playtime: 30 days,1 hours,55 minutes,14 seconds
Total discspace: 39.97 GB
Total songs: 9324
Total albums: 903
Total individual artists/bands: 413

Sort by song title:
- First Song:
"You Got a Killer Scene There, Man..."
- Last Song:
Sort by length:
- Shortest Song:
- Longest Song:
A Long Day
(didn't count podcasts or some bjm gigs cos they're not 1 song)
Sort by album:
- First Song:
- Last Song:
Ágætis Byrjun

Top 10 Most Played Songs:
01. I Fought The Angels
02. Is This All I Came For?
03. Whatever Happened To Pong?
04. Men In Black
05. Have You Passed Through This Night?
06. First Breath After Coma
07. Now Its On
08. Superabound
09. Summer
10. (I Want To Live On An) Abstract Plain

"sex", how many songs come up?: 134
"love", how many songs come up?: 349
"death", how many songs come up?: 80
"hate", how many songs come up?: 71
"wish", how many songs come up?: 34
"want", how many songs come up?: 42
"need", how many songs come up?: 14

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