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NewMusicTalk News: September 1, 2009

Yes it's that time of the year. Don't let the memories of summer fun fade too fast. Here are some highlights form the path month:

Songs That Get Stuck In Your Head

!!! Wale Mixtape Mega-Thread, They're All Here !!!

Music Compatibility With Your Other Half, How Important is it to You?

New Smiles Added
We have added two new sets to the list of smile graphics. One contains a bunch of great animated smiles. The other is a secret ninja set. We would love to include a Star Wars set, perhaps next month?

New Rank System
A new post rank system has been set up. The new ranks are as follows:

0-50 Posts: Poser
Description: Good Charlotte fan.

50-100 Posts: Wannabe
Description: You torrented Joy Division and now think you know everything. You've still got a lot to learn.

100-250 Posts: NMT Peepz
Description: You finally know what Bmore is.

250-500 Posts: Groupie
Description: You've got over 50 RSS feeds in your reader, a pair of black Ray Bans and a vintage copy of Naked Lunch on your bedside.

500-1,000 Posts: Musicologist
Description: You read all the blogs and DL all the latest tracks. But you still secretly idolize Pitchfork, subscribe to NME or wait for it to appear in the Vice Doe's and Dont's before you dare to post it to your Tumblr. First!

1,000-2,500 Posts: Hipster Trash
Description: Your inbox is full of the latest from those who are in the know. But it's all crap really. Perhaps a gem or two is in there, but does it really matter? It's only rehashing what you were into two minutes ago anyway.

2,500-5,000 Posts: Tastemaker
Description: You're an enigma. An iconoclast. You set your own agenda. Out of step, but oddly in-sync with the outside world. Defying classification and trends, your creative vision knows no bounds. The re-rebirth of cool.

Post any comments or suggestions about the ranking system in this thread:

About Us Updated
It's not really all that exciting. But if you're so inclined to read it, the new section is located here:

No New Forum This Month
There is talk about creating a 'Best Of' forum because the good threads die really fast. A small archive of great threads can be found here:

Featured Artist: Bobby Bonestorm
We go north of the US border for this month's featured artists. Bobby Bonestorm's has been holding it down on the international DJ scene playing clubs all over North America and even as far east as Taiwan. This month we are featuring his excellent Dubstep interpretation of Beyoncé's hit "Oh Oh!". For more on Bobby Bonestorm you can contact him at:

Seeking Contributors
Interested? Yes, no, maybe, who knows? Get in touch, or not. Apathy is your greatest weapon.

Talk to you next month,
Mach 5


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