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Busdriver's RoadKillOvercoat

Some days I think the surreality of Busdriver’s music depicts the world with more reality than my own lying eyes. Busdriver’s rapidfire, puzzler lyrics keep one’s brain pleasantly parsing — a new, new school version of when you first tried to figure out what De La Soul was talking about on “3 Feet High And Rising.”

The singing, melodies, genre-bending beats, and sound effects bump, and the songs are tighter and more perfected than other music that I might try to lump together in a category of eccentric, stream-of-consciousness, lyrically jazzy, nonsense hip hop. By those adjectives I mean, a Busdriver mood might not be too different from an AWOL One, Dudley Perkins, Stones Throw, or MF Doom side project mood. But “RoadKillOvercoat” is an achievement in that it deserves to be in your normal rotation, not just your postmodern madness mix.

“RoadKillOvercoat” is musically daring in that Busdriver heads into rock and electronic territory. But the music is good. I’m willing to go there, and call it hip hop.

Cross-posted at Nate On The Mic blog: http://hiphopmic.com/onthemic/?p=553

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