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So my mom is moving, so it's become official that i have to move all of my childhood items into storage and whatnot. This caused me to find a shit ton of burnt CDs, dates ranging from about 2000-2005.

Obviously, I put every single one into my computer and imported all of the dank songs from middle school/high school (that tells you how old I am… about… maybe.) I discovered a TON of fantastic pop music I hadn't listened to in YEARS

Some awesome flashback moments:
The Remedy
American Pie
Come Clean
Hey Ma
The Whole World
Turn Me On
Bad Touch

Just to name a few… I apparently added 97 tracks today.
(in addition to downloading a tapemasters in. album, a ciara album, and a pink album… wah wah)

I think I'm going to listen to everything once, and then put it on my external hard drive like Alex_f_word suggested.

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