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Another top 10 thing

Still new to this so I don't know how representative it is yet!

List your top 10 artists according to last.fm.

1. Aphex Twin
2. Blondie
3. Björk
4. Saint Etienne
5. Boards of Canada
6. Moloko
7. Hot Chip
8. Scott Walker
9. Matmos
10. Pulp

Answer the questions:
What was the first song you heard from number 6?
Fun for me.

What is your favorite album from number 2?
Parallel Lines.

How many times have you seen number 4 live?

What is your favorite song from number 7?
Keeps changing, but right now And I Was a Boy From School.

Does number 3 have a song that makes you sad?
Selmasongs is just about one of the most depressing albums ever.

Which song of number 2 has the best lyrics?
Sunday Girl.

What is your favorite song from number 9?
Semen Song For James Bidgood.

How did you find number 3?
I remember seeing The Sugarcubes on some indie chart show thing that was on Channel 4 on Fridays. It was the first time I saw Björk - something you don't forget!

What is your favorite song from 4?
Nothing Can Stop Us.

How many times have you seen number 9 live?
Never - yet.

Tell one good memory that is connected to number 2.
My brother used to do this really hilarious take on Michelle Pfeiffer's coked up dance to Rush Rush.

Does number 8 have a song that makes you sad?
The World's Strongest Man.

What is your favorite album from number 5?
I actually think there are more gems on The Campfire Headphase than Music Has the Right to Children.

Which song of number 3 has the best lyrics?

What is your favorite song from 1?

What is your favorite song from 10?

How many times have you seen number 8 live?
Err… never.

What is your favorite album from number 1?
Selected Ambient Works 85-92.

Tell one good memory that is connected to number 9.
Just nice memories of being in a questionable state of mind. Early in the morning. After coming back from a party in the summer and the sun rising. Listening to Last Delicious Cigarette quietly in the front room on a Sunday morning.

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