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Top Ten 2006: #2 - Burial

Counting down my top ten albums of 2006 with a set of reviews of all ten albums (yes, I'm still doing this even if 2007 is well underway at this point). Here's #2:

Burial (2006)


2006 was the year that I, like so many other people, discovered dubstep. Not so much a genre as a scene, dubstep has been written about extensively by far better writers than myself, so I won't really talk about it here. Coming out of that scene, however, is the mysterious Burial, a reclusive producer who, if the articles I've read are true, uses nothing more than a very basic sound editor to make some of the most engaging electronic music I've heard in years. Burial's debut album is best described with one word: deep. The bass lines are heavy and dark, the songs are built out of woozy layers of sound packed with atmosphere and scratchy textures, and all around the edges is a nervous energy just barely being held in check. It's the kind of album where I discover new and different sonic moments to delve into on every listen. Even now, as I hear these songs for the first time in several weeks, I'm absolutely captivated, as I suspect I will be for years to come. Don't miss this one, as it's destined to be a true classic.

Distant Lights
Southern Comfort

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