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Top Concerts of 2010

01: Grinderman (Atlanta)
02: Jonsi (Atlanta)
03: Deerhunter (Birmingham)
04: Slayer (Atlanta)
05: King Khan & The Shrines (Birmingham)
06: RJD2 (Birmingham)
07: Telepath (Birmingham)
08: Holy Fuck (Birmingham)
09: David Bazan (Birmingham)
10: Man or Astro-Man? (Birmingham)

I was able to cross a lot of "need to see bands" off of my list this year: Grinderman, Slayer, Jonse and King Khan & the Shrines. Perhaps not as good of a year of live music as others I've had, but the Top 5 were absolutely off the charts great. I saw the Top 4 in about a six week span…mind-blowing.

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