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Top Ten: LCD Soundsystem

Apropos of nothing - well, not nothing. I'm bored of work and would much rather distract myself by listmaking. So here it goes: Top 10 lcd soundsystem tracks. Tricky, tricky, tricky. Because some of them I absolutely adore but mostly love live (hello, Yeah); some others don't sound great live (Get Innocuous) but are absolute faves. What to do?

10. never as tired as when I'm waking up / us v. them (for the live version)
9. Dance Yourself Clean
8. Great Release
7. Yeah (live, at least - fricking phenomenal)
6. Get Innocuous
5. Someone Great
4. Losing My Edge
3. Tribulations
2. Home
1. All My Friends

That was hard. I need a lie-down.

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