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Actually, it was SO sunny today that I felt compelled to do a genius list based on "I Can See Clearly." Fabulous. Here are the results…

1/ I can see clearly
2/ mirror in the bathroom
3/ pass the dutchie
4/ it must be love
5/ Night Nurse
6/ tease me
7/ no no no
8/ roots, rock, reggae
9/ like glue
10/ even after all
11/ skylarking
12/ ali baba
13/ ballistic affair
14/ Can't Stop Now
15/ What I got
16/ One Step Beyond
17/ Nite klub
18/ gimme the light
19/ heads high
20/ nelson mandela
21/ welcome to jamrock
22/ hold the line
23/ one in ten
24/ it's great when we're together
25/ No Letting Go

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