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Oh Happy Day!

Amusingly, my previous post on last.fm was about all the things that I missed because of the Bar. Well, I guess I'd take passing - as I found out today - over James Murphy. Just about. So, here are my ten random rules for a happy Friday indeed.

1) Fake Tales of San Francisco - Arctic Monkeys
2) Far From Me - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
3) Find the River - R.E.M.
4) Fix Up, Look Sharp - Dizzee Rascal
5) The Food (live) - Common
6) Get Down - NaS
7) Get Innocuous - LCD Soundsystem
8) Get Miles - Gomez
9) Hold Me Down - Primary 1
10) Hombre - M.I.A.

fake tales of san francisco
far from me
find the river
fix up look sharp
the food
get down
get innocuous
Get miles
hold me down

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