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Top Post-Rock Albums.

Here is my list of the best post-rock albums. However, this is only my opinion, so don't care too much. I think the positions that I presented here are really good staff. A piece of beautiful, melancholic and emotional music. Enjoy :>

10. God Is An Astronaut - All Is Violent, All Is Bright (2005)
9. Below The Sea - Blame It on the Past (2005)
8. Labradford - Mi Media Naranja (1997)
7. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F#A#oo (1998)
6. Crippled Black Phoenix - A Love Of Shared Disasters (2006)
5. Hammock - Kenotic (2005)
4. Talk Talk - Laughing Stock (1991)
3. Bark Psychosis - Codename: Dustsucker (2004)
2. July Skies - Dreaming Of Spires (2002)
1. Labradford - A Stable Reference (1995)

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