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Truly Amazing! Even with the loud obnoxious tools screaming stupid things behind me!

Thu 26 Mar – City and Colour, Kathleen Edwards

Ok, so my excitement for last night had been progressively building at a steady rate since I secured my ticket to this highly anticipated sold out show.

As far as the opening act, Kathleen Edwards, I was a little torn in my opinion musically towards her. In some ways I found her to be an incredibly talented musician, with clear intense vocals and clever lyrics. But at times it seemed to fall into these almost 'Country' like ballads, and I found myself losing interest. But, in saying that, her banter in between songs was fucking heroic!

Actually the banter in general for the entire show, Dallas Green inclusive was very clever and entertaining!

Prior to the show, we were treated to the soundcheck to end all soundchecks! A single man, later introduced to us as 'Harris' wandered out to the centre of stage carrying an acoustic guitar and dragging an equipment box. He sets the box down, takes a seat and begins to bust out this incredible acoustic rendition of QUEEN's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' in its entirety! He mouthed the lyrics at times to keep everyone in sync. The whole venue (Orpheum Theatre) was singing along, busting out the best Freddie Mercury impressions. It was simply one of the best starts to what was to be an amazing sets.

Subtle changes made to the bands older songs made it all that more special! Whats more… In the middle of an absolutely beautiful rendition of Sometimes(I Wish), Dallas faded into Sam Sparro's 'Black & Gold'! It was classic & you could even be forgiven for not noticing the change at all, it was almost as if it was always apart of the song, so smooth and clear!

Dallas serenaded his new wife 'Leah Miller' with the song 'The Girl'. He stated that it was the first time he had sung the song to his now 'wife' on canadian soil, since they were married on 7th January this year.

Although he thought it comically genius to stop the song after only 30sec, blaming his guitarist for the mistake. After a short pause, he starts laughing and admits it was a joke, and thought it would be funny to mess up such a heart felt song in front of his wife. Joining Leah in the crowd was, Dallas's Parents and a close friend of the family.

The Show seemed to pass so quickly, but I must say I was more than impressed with the set list! He played a new song, and also a cover from one of the bands that had influenced him and his band members.

They encore`d with 'Body In A Box' & 'Comin Home'. Couldnt of been any more perfect! You know when a band plays their last song of the night, and in your head you are hoping for the song you had been waiting for all night. && usually its not. But last night, as Dallas strummed the opening chords to 'Comin Home', I felt so fulfilled!

Thanks guys… & good luck with the new Alexis album Dallas!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OYPyYZK7s
(This was the same soundcheck by 'Harris' as the show last night)

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