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Somewhere In the Between (is a show of which we all dream)

Tue 20 Jul – Streetlight Manifesto

this show was amazing. well, to be fair, it felt like i went to two shows last night: one show that was alternatively boring and shitty, and one that was amazing.

Potthast opened up. i came into the situation with an open mind, but just the acoustic guitar was kinda boring for me. some of the songs were funny, especially the last one directed towards a heckler in the crowd, but overall i was just not interested.

The Wonder Years are an awful, boring band that should not be touring with the next two bands ever. That is all about them you need to know.

Supervillains were fantastic. I skanked it up in the pit for these guys, pigtails flying everywhere. I had never really heard them, but greatly appreciated their reggae-reminiscent sound (it is ska, but still). i loved how they'd build tension up to a point and either go back into relatively calm ska chords or go batshit crazy like a punk band. I shook the saxophonist's hand and told him i dug his playing because i did. i loved his style. I'm definitely checking these guys out next chance i get.

Streetlight Manifesto was everything i wanted and more. i haven't heard much off of Keasby Nights, but this show convinced me to go get it eventually. i mostly danced off to the side and stood on the second stage to watch. i got to shake Martin Thomas' hand (the trumpeteer for Streetlight Manifesto. i think that's his name, i can never remember) and tell him that i dug his playing. as a trumpet player, that was a great moment for me. Streetlight's set was absolutely amazing, and i got to sing along to all of my favorite songs of theirs.

i got a tour poster for cheap too! i'm so happy to go to a show where shirts are only $15 and posters are $2. i need to start going to more shows like these.\

this show was great. it convinced me and my buddy jimmy to go to more ska shows, which i'm looking forward too, and also cemented my love of skanking. it only gets funner when you're in a crowd!

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