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Alphabet meme (stolen from Will)

Go to your iTunes, sort songs alphabetically. Pick your favorite song for each letter.

# - 40 Miles from the Sun

A - A Letter to Elise

B - Burn That Broken Bed

C - Cosy in the Rocket

D - Does He Love You?

E - Endless Dream

F - Folsom Prison Blues

G - Give You Back

H - Handle With Care

I - It Was Love

J - Jenny, You're Barely Alive

K - Kite

L - Let Me Kiss You

M - More Adventurous

N - Nothing Better

O - Oh Sailor

P - Pictures of Shorelines

Q - none

R - Rise Up With Fists

S - Soul Meets Body <–this was the hardest letter to choose by far.

T - Teardrop

U - Until the End of the World

V - Volcano

W - With Arms Outstretched

X - X&Y

Y - Your Cover's Blown

Z - none

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