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Bon Iver, Queens Hall

Wed 17 Sep – Bon Iver, Anaïs Mitchell

Last night by hook or crook I made it to Edinburgh to catch the show.

After arriving late, then having a wee scenic tour of the city by night(i got us lost) - we arrived just in time to get a pint and settle down to watch the support act.

I was pleasantly surprised to find the support act was the wonderful Anais Mitchell. It was her second night supporting the boys and her first visit to Scotland, but she found warm reception from the crowd. It was a wonderful precursor to what was coming next.

The boys came quietly on stage, met with a joyous sound and rapt attention. Soon a chorus echoed round the hall, and I could only but stand - feeling humble, grateful even that I was there.

I stood in the dark with my dearest friend next to me, with nothing but elation in my heart and a smile on my face.Bon Iver

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