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What's on Maplejet's mind (November 14, 2008)

Woo…beginning to do overtime hours at work starting next week. So need to get a permanent full-time job though.



Well, last week, I learned of the car accident involving Deftones's bassist Chi Cheng. It's not looking great right now as he is in stable condition, but still will be under doctor supervision. It's sad news to a lot of fans including me. At this moment, we won't know when Eros will come out. All I can say is, get well soon Chi.

On another note, Korn named a song off Life is Peachy after the bassist, Chi.


As some may have heard after my anger journal last time, the gamefaqs rock board is hell now. Already there, the metal, punk, and "alternative" boards are nothing but flamewars and pointless elitism. Only the "hip-hop" board is left, and that's rather than elitism, leads to pointless arguments. Well, let the rock and metal boards there be the laughing stock of music discussions on earth.

Guitar Hero strikes back again. This time, the 2 artists I'm going into are Van Halen and Ozzy Osbourne. Sure, they're Crazy Train, Mr. Crowley, and Hot for Teacher were all great songs in the game, but if you like them, you got to dig further into them. So far, I have Blizzard of Ozz, Diary of a Madman, No More Tears, and Ozzmosis from Ozzy, while I got Van Halen and 1984 from Van Halen. Quite a few great songs, including Zombie Stomp, Mr. Tinkertrain, Runnin' With the Devil, Atomic Punk, just to name a few.

As with my hip-hop right now, currently into Jay-Z and OutKast, building off from MP3s that I had before. Favorite albums by them so far include The Black Album and Stankonia. Kanye West is next on my hip-hop binge list, and at this moment, the next hip-hop artist I go into will probably be Public Enemy or Run-DMC depending on I feel.


After frequent overplays of Metallica - The Day That Never Comes, Hinder - Use Me, AC/DC - Rock 'n Roll Train, and the already annoying Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody, my local rock station 103.3 the Edge in Buffalo finally began to play the new one from The Offspring titled You're Gonna Go Far, Kid, which has already dominated modern rock stations nationwide and held the #1 spot on the modern rock tracks for 8 straight weeks in a row (only Pork and Beans by Weezer has been on #1 longer this year). I don't know why they can't play more variety than focus on than just trademark artists like Metallica and post-grunge especially Hinder.

And Disturbed's new one (and probably the best off their new album) Indestructible is also finally on the playlist. Don't know what took so long. Jesus, radio stations better change sometime soon…but something else changed:


The last 8 years made America the enemies of Europe and the World under George W. Bush. He fucking ruined America one year after another…starting with a pointless war in Iraq, to the Hurricane Katrina disaster, and not doing anything fast before the economy flattened to the point that it may be another decade before any signs of change can happen. Last Tuesday, the United States elected the first African-American president in their history with Barack Obama and his running mate Joe Biden, beating out the Republican ticket of John McCain/Sarah Palin. A while back, you heard me take out anger on the McCain campaign, posting the lyrics to Muse's Take a Bow (this song is in the recent Watchmen trailer BTW). Someone said that Palin was actually a good choice for McCain…however, most Americans believe it was the major reason that the McCain campaign collapsed and by 11 PM eastern Last Tuesday, it was over.

Other reasons included:
*A campaign full of hate and negative tactics
*Sarah Palin being incredibly unqualified, especially during the debate. Having little experience in foreign policy is one thing, but when it comes to the point that you don't know what NAFTA is, or think that Africa is a country and not a continent, you shouldn't be coming close to the white house.
*The excess baggage from George W. Bush. McCain accepting his endorsement was not a good idea, and with that tag, everyone would not vote for him.
*Often met behind close doors rather than go out and give out his issues.
*Joe the Plumber, a worthless gimmick, and cost McCain Ohio
*Often associating Obama with various people of what McCain called "hate" rather than going right at the issues. Also spreading the fear of a Marxist/socialist government and did not want the wealth to be spread. Um, hasn't the wealth been spread already with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

And when it came to using music, many bands rejected McCain and Palin's uses of them. Foo Fighters, Heart, Sammy Hagar of Van Halen…all felt that McCain was misusing their songs at concert.

And probably the biggest factor of all, McCain just could not connect with an audience who wanted change. Many of them were African Americans, young voters, Latinos, middle-class, who came out in bigger numbers, and many states went from red to blue. Obama actually had more voters than what Bill Clinton has in his 1992 and 1996 election runs. Perhaps change is really on the way…already, Obama is pushing for troop withdrawal from Iraq and redeployment in Afghanistan, where the terrorists are really hiding.

Suck my cock Petraus.

The bad news is that Bush is still here until January 20th. He sadly can fuck the country up even more than before. 8 years of hell coming to an end.

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