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Billy Talent & Reuben (Southampton Guildhall 12/10/06)

Firstly, what a great combination. What a great final gig.
When me and my girlfriend found out about the Billy Talent tour, we had to go. Then, we found out it was Reuben supporting and that was just the icing on the cake.

Unfortunately, the original date was cancelled the night before, which totally sucked. But, luckily both bands came back after the rest of their tour to continue.. And since it was family death it wasn't exactly their fault.

As for the actual gig, I don't really have a great amount to say apart from it was totally amazing; Reuben were fantastic despite people telling me they weren't great live, IMO they played a good selction of songs, despite not playing some of the more popular ones such as Let's stop hanging out. Certainly got everyone warmed up anyway!

Billy Talent were again just as awesome, playing all the obvious, again a great selection. The guys were all really down to earth and friendly with the crowd, letting one of the Reuben techs drum one of their songs, and introducing Ryan, who brung Ben Kowalewicz (yeah I had to look the spelling of that up) a beer.

You'd think at the end of their tour everyone would be a bit tired and fed up, but it wasn't like that at all. I'm eager to see both again already!

Here's a thumbnail:

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