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If your life was a soundtrack (quiz roubado da Van)

Your life is a movie now, so what's the soundtrack like?

Here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool…
7. Just hope it matches. It won't for sure. That's why it's dumb.


Opening Credits: Removables (Manic Street Preaches)

Waking up: Sun Rise Light Flies (Kasabian)

First day of college: The New (Interpol)

Falling in love: Book of Baby Names (Bound Stems)

Kiss scene: North Carolina (Pipes You See, Pipes You Don't)

Fight Song: The World Keeps Going Round (of Montreal)

Breaking up: Winter Wonder Land (Animal Collective)

Graduating college: Thunder & Lightning (The Unicorns)

My big break: Accepting Applications At University (Lilys)

Mental breakdown: Today Will Be Better, I Swear! (Stars)

Driving song: Calculation Theme (Metric)

Flashback: Pretty Shoes (Jens Lekman)

Getting back together: I Need A Friend With a Boat (Chin Up Chin Up)

Wedding: Getchoo (Hybrasil)

Birth of child: Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Onther Games (Broken Spindles Remix) (of Montreal)

Paying dues: Aha (The Dø)

Moment of triumph: Chesley's Little Wrists (Pavement)

Final battle: Dry Clothes (Annuals)

Death scene: Like A Honeycomb (British Sea Power)

Funeral scene: Nature of the Experiment (Tokyo Police Club)

End credits: A Punchup At A Wedding. (No No No No No No No No.) (Radiohead)

HAHAHA. No início tava bonitinho, depois ficou bizarro.

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