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Very creative gig by Ladytron, to do on short notice.

Thu 27 Sep – Ladytron, Great Northern
After the Pet Shop Boys cancelled their Hollywood Bowl show (on which Ladytron was opening), I'm sure a lot of us were either disappointed or pissed. Then, to have Ladytron agree to do this free concert (and in a courtyard, where you could get as close as you wanted, if you got there early). I was ecstatic! I ended up getting far better photos than I would have at the cavernous Bowl. And their sole condition of having to take the Metro, and using the Metro ticket for admittance into the open area in front of the stage, was ingenious. I'd never taken the Metro Rail, and this forced me to. It was easier than I expected. So much so, that I'm going to use it more when I go to the Fonda, the Pantages, the Palladium or the Avalon. As for the concert itself, what can I say? Ladytron didn't disappoint. They were great.
Am really looking forward to hearing their new stuff for their next album (but, sadly, this probably means we won't see them in concert again for about a year, while they work on it).

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