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favourite albums of 2008

charts are reflective of what is listened to on computer only

Elder Ablebro's list-
1. The Hospitals- Hairdryer Peace
2. Kevin Drumm- Imperial Distortion
3. The Music Tapes- Music for Clouds and Tornadoes
4. Grouper- Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
5. Introducing…- U.S. Girls
6. Women- s/t
8. Prurient- And Still, Wanting
7. Aufgehobe- Khora
9. Lost Wisdom- Mount Eerie w/ Julie Doiron and Fred Squire
10. Pocahaunted- Peyote Road
honourable mentions-
Naked Acid- Valet
At Mount Zoomer- Wolf Parade
Rip It Off- Times New Viking
Solar Bridge- Emeralds
Offend Maggie- Deerhoof

Younger Ablebro's list-

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