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birthday presents

even though my birthday was a century ago (september), i want to pointlessly mention that my brother bought me the following albums:

only by the night
till the sun turns black
hissing fauna, are you the destroyer?

only by the night is pretty good; not my favorite of the three. it wasn't on my wish list; the cashier suggested it to my brother so he bought it.

till the sun turns black is something i've wanted for a while. i am absolutely in love with empty. the entire album is great. touches my little heart. =) ray lamontagne's voice is so soothing.

hissing fauna, are you the destroyer? is everything you'd expect from of montreal. which is a good thing for me. Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse is what made me want the album in the first place. the album did not disappoint. however, of montreal is not for everybody so.. yeah.

ps. i realize that i am so not up-to-date in terms of albums and whatnot. but somebody's gotta buy the older stuff, too!!

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