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another stupid random song quiz.

What does next year have in store for me? Pet Shop Boys - you Choose

What's my love life like? Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)

What do I say when life gets hard? Björk - submarine

First thoughts waking up? Daft Punk - Emotion

What song will I dance to at my wedding? Pet Shop Boys - Love is a Catastrophe

What do you want as a career? Pet Shop Boys - That's My Impression

Your favourite saying? Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (the Bottom)

Favourite place? trentemoller - sycamore feeling

What do you think of your parents? pet shop boys - a man could get arrested

What’s your pornstar name? björk - sod off

Where would you go on a first date? iamamiwhoami - y

Drug of choice? iamamiwhoami - drops

Describe yourself? pet shop boys - we're the pet shop boys

What is the thing I like doing most? pet shop boys - girls don't cry

The song that best describes my school principal? trent reznor - videodrones; questions

What is my state of mind at the moment? pet shop boys - losing my mind

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