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Cool Survey

1. Put your Music Player on Random.
2. Write Songs on Last.fm.
3. Answer Questions.

1. Please Please Please (Young Hollywood)
2. Little
3. Scar Tissue
4. Solid Gold Telephone
5. Hit That
6. Cold Hands
7. Hallelujah
8. You Don't Fool Me
9. A
10. 4:AM Forever
11. Return To Innocence
12. I Bet That You Look Good On the Dancefloor
13. Hundred
14. Heaven For Everyone
15. Banquet
16. Gone Daddy Gone
17. Right Now
18. Charlie
19. Cover Me
20. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
21. You're Gone
22. Hey
23. Mrs. Smith
24. Smiley Faces
25. Another Nail In My Heart
26. With Or Without You
27. Gone Away
28. Bitch
29. Bad Moon Rising
30. Don't Look Back in Anger
31. Sandstorm
32. Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta
33. Cecilia
34. The SHow Must Go On
35. You're My Best Friend
36. Don't You (Forget About Me)
37. Bittersweet Symphony
38. Curious
39. Hold My Hand
40. Snow (Hey Oh)

1. Which song do you prefer, #1 or #40?: #40
2. Have you ever listened to #12 continuously on repeat?: Yes, not too long though.
3. What album is #26 from?: The Joshua Tree
4. What do you think about the artist who did #15?: Bloc Party, Yeah, the're pretty cool, for an English Band. Haha, Just Kidding
5. Is #19 one of your favorite songs?: One of my top 100, undoubtedly, but top 50, probably not.
6. Who does #38 remind you of?: I don't know, every other Head Automatica song?
7. Does #20 have better lyrics or music?: I like the song a lot, and the music is great, but the lyrics are one of a kind
8. Do any of your friends like #3?: Yes, probably most of them.
9. Is #33 from a movie soundtrack?: No, not that I know of.
10. Is #18 overplayed on the radio?: No, I have actually never heard it on the radio.
11. What does #21 remind you of?: Hanging out with all of my friends from OLL (My Grade School K-8).
12. Which song do you prefer, #5 or #22?: 5, for more than 1 reason. . .
13. What album is #17 from?: Now You See Inside (A Great Title for an album, in my opinion).
14. When did you first hear #39?: I don't know, probably in the mid-90's, when Hootie was cool.
15. When did you first hear #7?: Couple of months ago, at dance. Didn't Care for it much then, but a few months later, I heard it again on XM, and had to have it.
16. What genre is #8?: Rock.
17. Do any of your friends like #14?: Several of my Regis friends do.
18. What color does #4 remind you of? pink
19. Have you ever blasted #11 on your stereo? No, I don't think anyone ever has. . .
20. What genre is #37? Soft-Rock.
21. Can you play #13 on any instrument? What a coincidence, GOLD.
22. What is your favorite lyric from #30? "Slip inside the eye of your mind don't you know you might find "
23. What is your favorite lyric from #23?: "Sidewalks and trees, every house painted in blues and greens, white lights coming and going, hearts racing thinking, maybe tonights not such a bad night after all so go ahead and live."
24. Would you recommend #24 to your friends?: Nah. Maybe other Gnarls Barkley, but not this one.
25. Is #2 a good song to dance to?: No.
26. Do you ever hear #16 on the radio?: Probably, it's apparently Gnarls Barkley's next hit.
27. Is #32 more of a "nighttime" or "daytime" song?: I'd say daytime, but only because it's daytime when the scene in Office Space has this song.
28. Does #36 have any special meaning to you?: Special? Not Really, it's nice though.
29. Do any of your friends like #31?: Yes, everyone does.
30. Is #25 a fast or slow song?: fast(ish).
31. Is #35 a happy or sad song?: Happy.
32. What is one of your favorite lyrics from #9?: "I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock."
33. Is #34 better to listen to alone or with friends?: Both.
34. When did you first hear #27?: Probably around February or March of this year.
35. Name 3 other songs by the artist who did #29: Proud Mary;Fortunate Son;Down on the Corner
36. Do you know all the words to #6?: No.
37. Does #28 have better lyrics or music?: Lyrics
38. What album is #10 from?: Liberation Transmission. Great Album.

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