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Come see the laramie project

The dates of this play are
April 10 - 20
Fine Arts Theatre
Thursdays through Saturdays - 8pm
Sundays - 2pm
Directed by Roger Keicher
This event will represent all days!
The Laramie Project is a play by Moisés Kaufman and members of the
Tectonic Theater Project about the reaction to the 1998 murder of
University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming. The
murder is widely considered to be a hate crime motivated by
The play draws on hundreds of interviews conducted by the theatre
company with inhabitants of the town, company members' own journal
entries and published news reports. It is divided into three acts and
eight actors portray more than sixty characters in a series of short
The play is being produced by the Niagara County Community College
theatre department.
Contact Info:
Box Office Phone: 7166145970
Email: ncccmathew08@yahoo.com
<strong>Hosted By:</strong> Niagara County Community College<br><strong>When:</strong> Thursday Apr 10, 2008<br> at 8:00 PM<BR><strong>Where:</strong> Niagara County Community College: Arts & Media Building<br>3111 Saunders Settlement Rd.<br>Sanborn, New York|33 14132<br>United States<br><b>Description:</b><br>Niagara County Community College <br><br><a href=’http://events.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&eventID=409671.38916’>Click Here To View Event</a>
Here's hoping Fred Phelps, and the Westboro Baptist Church show up.

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