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Main Influences

I play guitar, here's MY six guitarists who have most incfluenced me, and kept my stupid ass in line to get started, and practice as much as possible, or even why I started playing in the first place. I play a wide mix of folk, blues and metal with a little of something else always mixed in between.

-Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)
-David Gilmour (Pink Floyd/Solo)
-Eric Clapton (Cream, Derek and the Dominoes, Solo)
-Randy Rhoads (Ozzy)
-Stevie Ray Vaughan
-Zakk Wylde (Ozzy/Black Label Society)
-Slash (Guns N' Roses/Velvet Revolver)

Now i don't want to rank them, because they have all influenced me at different times in my life and all have completely different styles of playing guitar. But Jimmy Page is by far the most of an influence to me, because since the first time I heard him, i've been addicted to his heavy bluesy influenced licks, and ear splitting solo's. From the first time i heard him,and even until this very day, his solo's send the tiny hairs on the back of my neck to stand,and still blow me away now. Just as if i were listening to them for the first time. But what intrigues me the most about Jimmy is his instrumental diversity. The amount of instruments he can play is by just picking them up and fiddling is incredible, not only that but the sounds he can attain from them in that process. One of my favourite Zeppelin stories about Jimmy was during the recording of their Third Album (Led Zeppelin III) working on the recording of the song "Gallow's Pole" Jimmy thought that this song sounded very southern, but wanted to add more of a southern twang to it. So he picked up a banjo and recorded on the spot, one take, a two-minute banjo solo that was absolutely flawless! It was as if he had been playing banjo's all his life! And this is just one example of how musically diverse the man was. From the soft acoustic melody of bron-yr-aur, to the up-beat almost reggae tune of dyer maker, to the middle eastern sounds of songs like "kashmir" , all the way back to his early days with the yardbirds, when he would rip into the intense solo of "train kept a rollin'". Jimmy Page is just an all around sorcerer of guitar and this is my tiny tribute to him. The man. The producer. The teacher. The hero. The guitarist. The Legend.
Jimmy Page

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