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No. 4000
This summer's official song!

No. 5000

No. 6000
Nothing Left To Lose

No. 7000

No. 10,000
I think that was it, it was hard to tell because I was in England at the time i listened to it.

No. 11,000
Across The Night
Great song. Me and Owen were playing Sims 2, trying to kill Assface McAssenstein when we listened to this.

No. 12,000
Hold Me Down
This is a freaking brilliant song. In memories of Chris. He didn't die, he's just awesome.

No. 13,000
I Miss You
I love this song. I was on the bus home from school when i listened to this.

No. 15,000
Feel Good Inc.
Talking to amber and john on msn when i listened to this, i was just goin through artists in alphabetical order playing a couple from each…

16,000th Song
American Idiot
Not doing much at all when i listened to this.

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