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How many songs: 3420

Sort by title:
First Song: 'til Kingdom Come

Last Song: Zombies Walk!! (Sufjan Stevens vs. Kanye West)

Sort by time:
Shortest song: Concert For New York, America, Oct 20, 2001 0:04
Longest song: A Long Day 36:27

Sort by album:
First song: I Won't Last A Day Without You ('Darin' 1936-1973)
Last song: He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (Zoolander OST)

Top 5 most played songs:
1) For Today I am a Boy
2) The Maker Makes
3) Free At Last
4) The Maker
5) One Man Guy

First song that comes up on shuffle: Deliver Me

Search the following and see how many songs come up: (and favorite song)
Sex: 4 (Super Sexy Woman)
Love: 196 (No Lies, Just Love)
Hate: 14 (Who I Am Hates Who I've Been)
Death: 124 (Death of an Interior Decorator)
You: 459 (I Want You)
Heart: 45 (Harvester of Hearts)
Rain: 39 (Why Does it Always Rain on Me)
Day: 167 (First Day of My Life)
Night: 23 (Each Coming Night)
God: 54 (With God on Our Side)

Connected Artists:
Rufus WainwrightColdplaySufjan StevensDavid BowieThe Polyphonic SpreeBobby DarinAntony and the JohnsonsMartha WainwrightDavid Crowder BandBright EyesRelient KDeath Cab for CutieRachael YamagataTravisIron & WineJoan Baez

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