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Remixers on Street Fighter & Final Fantasy

Two interviews have been posted to Siliconera this weekend on music remix projects for popular game series. Malcos of OverClocked ReMix has arranged themes from Street Fighter II for the HD Remix version that will appear on the XBox Live Arcade and Playstation Network. His tracks will be featured during the stages for Ryu, Cammy, Dhalsim and M. Bison. The musician talks about his participation on OCR, their Street Fighter II compilation “Blood on the Asphalt,” and the downloadable HD title on which he is serving as assistant soundtrack director.

Also this weekend, Ian Hartley gives some background on Final Fantasy Remix, the album of club-style arrangements directed by Nobuo Uematsu. The DJ discusses his collaboration with Matt Baggiani on their group Ante and performing in Tokyo clubs. The interviews are available at the following websites.

Remixing Street Fighter II - Malcos music interview: http://tinyurl.com/5egzlc

DJ Q&A - Ian Hartley on Final Fantasy Remix: http://tinyurl.com/68b5vp

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