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The "everything" tag

A good day to everyone!

I think most people reading this will agree with me when I say the Last.fm Radio stations are about the best thing to happen for music since the invention of… radio itself?
It's not seldom that I think to myself, while intensely enjoying listening to whatever style of music I felt like hearing at that given time, what a truly unseen joy it is to be able to do so.

So, we've got this far.
There's only one more thing missing that I can think of.
Sometimes I don't feel like listening to one particular style of music. Times when I don't feel like hearing some of Last.fm's - otherwise great - recommendations.
Times when I simply feel like stepping out of my own musical catalogue and want to listen to the broadest selection of music possible.

In other words: listen to a radio that includes every artist streamable on Last.fm.

As far as I know, this can't be done at this point.

That's why I started using the tag.
Whenever I'm tagging an artist, album or song, I simply tag it with , too.

Now, when I'm the only one doing this, it won't have any effect. Listening to the Radio would theoretically mean listening to my own personal radio. Luckily I'm not the only one using it; at this moment there's 322 other people doing so. But that's not enough to create a movement!

So this is where you step in.
Share your thoughts with me. Has this been tried yet? Please comment on this journal!
But most of all: join me in my project!

Tag everything with everything!

- Jelle

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