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My Top 5 Artists (Week Ending 2010-02-21)


1. Quadron
2. De La Soul
3. Teedra Moses
4. D*Note
5. Electric Wire Hustle

Quadron is still @ #1 from last week. They're a duo from Copenhagen (half of which includes Robin Hannibal from the beloved Owusu & Hannibal project). a combo of pop, downtempo, Motown & new groove. sort of a Little Dragon/Lykke Li feel about them at times. Their self-titled album was released in 2009 but fell between the cracks. I highly recommend it.

De La Soul appears, mostly due to their Nike project Are You In?: Nike+ Original Run. Teedra Moses has a new mixtape "Royal Patience" since record labels haven't done her justice. D*Note is a throwback (they've made some of my favorite jazz/drum 'n bass songs). I'm still auditioning Electric Wire Hustle; sort of a Platinum Pied Pipers take on soul/hip hop.

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