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Questions for our featured artists: hide_aki

Artist: hide_aki (hide_aki)
Group: Pleasantly Neurotic


What 'tags' would you use to characterize your music (no more than 3)

- abstract, underground


What hardware/software setup do you use to produce music?

- ableton live


Are you formally trained in music? Can you read sheet music?

- hah, no, i dont know nothin about sheet and everything like that…


What resources did you use to learn how to produce your own music?

- in one day i just start produce music, thats all.


What role do drugs play in producing music? What role do they play in listening to music?

- as though it may sound trite, drugs are bad.


How do you feel about 'copycat' artists? That is, artists that mimic the style of another artist. For example, consider how many 'Boards of Canada' copycats there are out there.

- I do not know, I have not seen no one of them


What artists do you feel most influenced the music you produce?

- Tha Blue Herb, DJ Krush, Illmariachi


What advice would you give to someone who is interested in producing music but has yet to "take the plunge"?

- Just don't give up.


How would you describe the "lifecycle" of your music? That is, how does a track go from not existing, to being an idea, to being produced, and to being introduced to the world. How long does the entire process

- It's a hard question. When i producing new track, i think about everything… life, people, world.
These thoughts I somehow put in the music.


Do you ever play live shows? Have you ever toured?

- No but I am sure they will be in the future.


For those of you that have been around for a little while, how would you describe how both the music you listen to and that you produce has evolved as you get older.

- It is simply up to a new level.


Any hints on what to expect from you in the future?

- I already put new little album on last.fm (11.01.2009)


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