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RA Podcast: RA.246 Caribou


The man behind 2010's top rated indietronic album puts a rare DJ set on this RA podcast. Being solely known as a composer for the larger part his career, Caribou got firstly exposed to the world of electronic music by ever quirky James Holden. Not long after Dan Snaith got deeper into his exercises with electronic dance music releasing "Swim" to a critical acclaim. DJwise Snaith's RA effort is none of a truism, but gently crafted with tenderness and great intrinsic value. Nevertheless, Snaith keeps true to his roots sampling heavily on live instruments and idiosyncratic melodies melding it all at once into one delicious synesthesia. Caribou's stuff tends to grow on you revealing more arcane deeper parts and glowing with sincerity ever since. Adorned with the productions of Snaith's side project, Daphni, the mix enthralls by its creativity and intelligent design sharing its bright soul and passion.


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